Phyllis's First Law

Meaning of Phyllis (Copied from a website) Phyllis \ ph (yl)- lis \ as a girl's name is pronounced FILL-iss . It is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Phyllis is " greenery ". Greek mythology : a character of this name dies for love , then is transformed into an almond tree . Phyllis has 13 variant forms: Filis , Fillis , Fillys , Fyllis , Philis , Phillis , Philys , Phylis , Phyliss , Phyllida , Phyllie , Phylliss and Phyllys . "No wonder lots of people always spell my name wrongly." "was actually doing plank, because it is not impossible to have abs." LOL! I am actually a simple person and I do set my own laws, that is Phyllis's Laws . Of course, there are laws that are set for myself to follow and not wanting people to follow all my laws. Newton has his first law, second ...