22/11/2013- Presentation on Gazebo Design

We are given two weeks to design a gazebo but ended up, we left one week to do it. I admit that we had a poor time management,  because we spent time on the other theoretical subjects' assignment. In this short duration, I came out with a gazebo design without any columns, with just curvilinear component as my main design.
My gazebo's model

After presenting, i was told that my design is more into a landscape design. I can't really understand this, seems that I design the seats directly on to the floor. If I didn't design more on the plan, that is the seats, where else can i design? On the other hand, my roof is not compatible with the design of my plan? I'm confused. Anyone  with constructive criticism is the most welcomed!


  1. It certainly looks nice! Too bad I'm not pro so I have no idea what's wrong with it.. maybe you can search online for other gazebos for references? :)


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