What do you think of CHEATING?

There are lots of phoney stuffs, for example, copyrighted video games; cheats around the world, including cheating in exam which is the most common phenomenon in education institution, and even cheats in love.
Cheat during examination.

Cheats in LOVE.

To you, what is cheating, just a game, just for entertainment or it means nothing to you?

If you cheat to be splendid, you are not the winner, but the loser. 
I'm sceptical to those who cheated, don't you have any repentance indeed?

Don't be succumbed by the temptation around you. For example, you saw your friend trying to look on the others answer, and you start to do that too. Maybe you think there is nothing wrong as my friend also did that as long as both of you suppress the truth.

Cheating is an offence, it is wrong, very wrong to do that. It is because you not only break the rules, you are also being dishonest to yourself, your teacher and also your family.

"Cheating is a choice, not a mistake." What do you think of this.
I would say, you have the power to make the choice, why should you choose the wrong path?
Choose to be honest if you want to live a life without any guilt.
If you continue to cheat, I would solemnly tell you that, "your future is coming to a halt and it is not in your own control anymore"

Don't cheat if you're unhappy. Be frank.

I don't bare to cheat in exam because I will feel the guiltiness after that and the feeling that the result is actually not yours.

Do you feel satisfied and fulfilled after cheating?
If I am you, i will feel distraught (worried and upset).

I don't feel the happiness even if I got an A+ by cheating, because that is not mine.
The reason I say I would be distraught is because I will start wondering why did I cheat, how can he/she be that excellent,when can I be like him/her, what should I do to change this situation????? All these questions will pop up.. Those who cheat, maybe you need some reflections.

If four of them are my friends, comparing those who got A+ by cheating, and the boy who got B+ without cheating, I will be more impressed by the boy, than those who get A+ by cheating.
If you are gambling with the guy above, what reaction will you have when you know he won a lot of money because he cheated you. Will you say, "I fathomed your situation, there is nothing wrong for cheating, that's your choice." Will you?

Don't moan that the others cheat if you cheat too.
Don't grouse that you are so gullible that you are cheated, if you cheat.

After all, I would like to conclude my article by "SAY NO TO CHEATING".


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